Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fiends - Character Ideas - The Ringmaster

Here's a sketch for an old idea of mine called "Fiends" that I'm in the process of re-vamping.

Back in the day when I was studying animation I had to put together an "Animation Bible" for an original concept. "Fiends" is what I came up with and now I'm re-jigging it as if I was gonna do it as a comic rather than a 2D animation, which basically means adding more detail to the character designs and the look of everything seeing as it no longer needs to be replicated at 24 frames per second. Some of the characters are a bit more depraved now too which I like.

Anyway, this jaunty fellow is Uncle Zodiac - A.K.A "The Ringmaster"... he's like all the fun of the fair with a little bit of androgyny and satanist chic thrown in. Hopefully I'll get to post more character sketches and stuff from "Fiends" in the not too distant future as it's uber fun to draw these characters.



Unknown said...

Cool image.

And yay!

sean shapiro said...

Double yay from me!

Congrats BTW on Cold Blooded Chillers.
