Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Layfield Incident - Rats, Rats, Rats

"I went to bed in my shithole apartment and I woke up in an actual shithole. "

No, this is not inspired by Chez Moi but it is a rather dandy looking panel from "The Layfield Incident".

As the deadline looms I'm still going strong on "Layfield", cranking out pages like nobody's business - can't wait to see it coloured and in print.

'Till next time.


ra_life said...

Nice rats. Where is Layfield going to be available when its done?

autoganzfeld said...

Good question. I'll have to get onto Brian and Scott about that one. I think that when we did "From Here To There" #1 it was available on DCBS for a while (so hopefully this will be too).

Other than that probably the Resolution Comics website, and I presume Scott 'n' Bri will be pimping it out at various places in their neck of the woods.